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Gottardo S, Alessandrelli M, Amenta V, Atluri R, Barberio G, Bekker C, Bergonzo P, Suarez-Merino B… Crutzen H. NANoREG framework for the safety assessment of nanomaterials. JRC Science for policy report (2017) EUR 28550EN

Suarez-Merino B, Goñi de Cerio F, Lacroix G, Loret T, Blazy K, Peyret E, Rey N, Hullo M … In vitro screening methodology to evaluate toxicity by inhalation (nanomaterials). NANoREG D5.04 Downable from the RIVM repository. 2016

Goñi de Cerio F, Suarez-Merino B, Lacroix G, Loret T, Karlsson H, Norppa H, Aimonen K, Alenius H, di Felice G, Estrela-Lopis I, Merker. Report on cell type and in vitro-in vivo correlation studies for inhalation toxicity (Nanomaterials). NANoREG D5.05 Downable from the RIVM repository 2016

Suarez-Merino B, Goñi de Cerio F, Heredia P, Broßell D, Linsel G, Steinborn S, DiCristo L, Prina-Mello A, Barone F, Di Felice…Identification and optimization of the most suitable in vitro methodology NANoREG D5.06 Downable from the RIVM repository 2016

Höck J., Behra R., Bergamin L., Bourqui-Pittet M., Bosshard C., Epprecht T., Furrer V., Frey S., Gautschi M., Hofmann H., Höhener K., Hungerbühler K., Knauer K., Krug H., Limbach L., Gehr P., Nowack B., Riediker M., Schirmer K., Schmid K., Som C., Stark W., Suarez Merino B., Ulrich A., von Götz N., Walser T., Wengert S., Wick P., Studer C.: Guidelines on the Precautionary Matrix for Synthetic Nanomaterials. Federal Office of Public Health and Federal Office for the Environment, Berne 2018, Version 3.1 Guidelines on the Precautionary Matrix for Synthetic Nanomaterials. Version 3.1 October 2018. Published by the Federal Office of Public Health and the Federal Office of the Environment. Switzerland


Sánchez Jiménez A, Puelles R, Perez-Fernandez M, Barruetabeña L, Nicklas Jacobsen R, Suarez-Merino B, Salieri B,… Rodríguez Llopis I, Safe(r) by design guidelines for the nanotechnology industry. NanoImpact, Vol 25, 2022, 100385

Salieri, B., Barruetabeña, L., Rodríguez-Llopis, I., Raun Jacobsen, N., Manier, N., Trouiller, B., Suarez-Merino B,… Hischier, R. (2021). Integrative approach in a safe by design context combining risk, life cycle and socio-economic assessment for safer and sustainable nanomaterials. NanoImpact, 23, 100335 (13 pp.).

Adam V, Wu, Q, Nowack B. Integrated dynamic probabilistic material flow analysis of engineered materials in all European countries. NanoImpact, Vol 22, 2021, 100312

Hong H, Adam V, Nowack B Form-Specific and Probabilistic Environmental Risk Assessment of 3 Engineered Nanomaterials (Nano-Ag, Nano-TiO2, and Nano-ZnO) in European Freshwaters. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry June 2021

Sánchez-Jiménez A, Puelles R, Perez-Fernandez M, Goméz P, Barruetabeña L, Jacobsen NR, Suarez-Merino B, Michelettie C, Manier N, Trouiller B, Navas JM, Kalman J, Salieri B, Hischierh R, Handzhiyski Y, Apostolova MD, Hadrup N, Bouillard J, Rodríguez-Llopis. Safe by design implementation in the nanotechnology industry (2020) NanoImpact Available online 21 October 2020, 100267

Rajkovic S, Bornhöft NA, van der Weijden R, Nowack B, Adam, V. Dynamic probabilistic material flow analysis of engineered nanomaterials in European waste treatment systems. Waste Management,

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Franken R, Heringa MB, Oosterwijka T, Dal Maso M, Fransman W, Kanerva T, Liguorie B, Poikkimäkic M, Rodriguez-Llopis R, Säämänen A, Stockmann-Juvalad H, Suarez-Merino B, Alstrup K, Stieruma JR Ranking of human risk assessment models for manufactured nanomaterials along the Cooper stage-gate innovation funnel using stakeholder criteria. NanoImpact Volume 17, January 2020, 100191

Kuenen J, Pomar-Portillo V, Vilchez A, Visschedijk A, Denier van der Gon H, Vázquez-Campos S, Nowack B and Adam V. Inventory of country-specific emissions of engineered nanomaterials throughout the life cycle. Environmental Science Nano Issue 12 2020

Romeo D, Salieri B, Hischier R, Wick P. An integrated pathway based on in vitro data for the human hazard assessment of nanomaterials. Environment International Vol 137, 2020, 105505

Soeteman-Hernandez LG, Apostolova MD, Bekker C, Dekkers S, Grafström RC, Groenewold M, Handzhiyski Y, Herbeck-Engel P, Hoehener K, Karagkiozaki V, Kelly S, Kraegeloh A, Logothetidis S, Micheletti C, Nymark P, Oomen A, Oosterwijk T, Rodriguez-LLopis I, Sabella S, Sanchez-Jimenez A, Sips AJAM, Suarez- Merino B, Tavernaro I, van Engelen J, Wijnhoven SWP, Noorlander CW. Safe Innovation Approach: Towards an agile system for dealing with innovations Materials Today Communications (2019),

Salieri B, Hischier R, Quik JT, Jolliet O. Fate modelling of nanoparticle releases in LCA: An integrative approach towards “USEtox4Nano”. Journal of Cleaner Production 2019;206:701-12

Giusti⁠ A⁠,⁠ Atluri⁠ R⁠,⁠ Tsekovska⁠d R⁠,⁠ Gajewicz⁠e A⁠,⁠Apostolova⁠ MD ,Battistelli⁠ CL, Bleeker⁠ EAJ, Bossa ⁠C, Bouillard⁠ J, Dusinska⁠ M,Gómez Fernández⁠ P, Grafström⁠ R⁠,⁠ Gromelski⁠e MI, Handzhiyski⁠ Y, RaunJacobsen⁠ N, Suarez-Merino BNanomaterial grouping: Existing approaches and future recommendations. NanoImpact

Salieri, B., Turner, D. A., Nowack, B., & Hischier, R. (2018). Life cycle assessment of manufactured nanomaterials: Where are we? NanoImpact, 10

Adam V, Caballero-Guzman A, Nowack B. Considering the forms of released engineered nanomaterials in probabilistic material flow analysis. Environmental Pollution, Vol 243, Part A, 2018, Pages 17-27.

Kraegeloh A, Suarez-Merino B, Sluijters T, Micheletti C Implementation of Safe-by-Design for Nanomaterial Development and Safe Innovation: Why We Need a Comprehensive Approach     Nanomaterials 8(4) 2018

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Hischier R, Salieri B, Pini M. Most important factors of variability and uncertainty in an LCA study of nanomaterials – Findings from a case study with nano titanium dioxide. NanoImpact 2017;7:17-26

Collins AR , Annangi B, Rubio L, Marcos R, Dorn M, Merker C, Estrela-Lopis I, Cimpan MR, Ibrahim M, Cimpan E, Ostermann M, Sauter A, Suarez-Merino B,….El Yamani N… (2016) High throughput toxicity screening and intracellular detection of nanomaterials WIREs Nanomed Nanobiotechnol d oi: 10.1002/wnan.1413.

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